Thin heating board 1-1.5 mm thick. It consists of an inner carbon-based electrically conductive layer and electrically insulated fiberglass outer layers.

In the modern heaters INFRADŮM, the heat is emitted from the whole surface. They are made with a non-metallic heater and with increased electrical strength, and fire safety with high efficiency and unlimited life operation.

Place the heaters near you!

Create a pleasant environment in the workplace or your home. With heat radiation you can isolate the zones in a room where a person is located, you do not have to heat the whole room! 

In just a few minutes after switching the heater on, your place will become warm and cozy.

Enter into temperature mode from 0,5 minutes. 

It creates a soft thermal background with the effect of air ionization. This ensures an even heat distribution in the room. 



1.    Light, compact.

2.    It can be turned on at low temperatures and in high humidity conditions.

3.    It can work unattended in a permanent power-on mode.



1.    It does not blind you nor heats the head (as opposed to high-temperature infrared heaters).

2.    It has increased dielectric strength. elastic multi-layer fiberglass does not allow for microcracks to develop after several cycles of heating and cooling.

3.    Reliable electrical insulation gives no “chance” of getting electric shock (unlike infrared heaters with “ceramic” and “silicon” surfaces).

4.    It does not explode in case of improper operation (unlike oil heaters and electric boilers).

5.    Mechanical strength – the flexible elastic fiberglass is more resistant to accidental mechanical contact than foil (polyester) or “ceramic” and “silicon” surfaces.

6.    It does not break and does not deform (without effort).

7.    It is light and has a low heat capacity – it does not burn when in contact with exposed body parts.

8.    The surface of the plate is heated to a maximum of 90 ° с, therefore

       It does not burn oxygen

       It does not dry out air

       It cannot be a source of fire



They are permitted by fire warden for heating libraries and fire hazard rooms.



They do not create electromagnetic fields, they are transparent.

The effect of air ionization in the passage of electric current through a resistive layer of carbon. 



1.    The most powerful in the class of low-temperature infrared heaters - more than 1kv per square meter. 

2.    For space heating, you need to buy and install fewer heaters. 

3.    An incomparable advantage over other manufacturers with regard to price, square meter of radiant surface, and heat release performance!

4.    Unlike foil, “ceramic” and “siliceous” surfaces with low heat release, INFRADŮM will bring you real power savings and it does not require high investments in buying heaters. The lower the heat-emitting power per square meter, the weaker the heater warms the room through the air, the longer it will be turned on as a thermoregulator (the greater the electricity bill).

5.    A constant resistive layer – no stripes or fibers, spirals – that is in fact the unlimited duration of the heater’s operation, without the risk of a heating element short circuit or burning! 

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